James Redmond

James' passion is fitness and everything related to optimizing your health and wellness. He utilizes progressive overload and macro calculations and mental techniques like mind-muscle connection in my training. He shares his teachings as a senior coach. He has used anabolic steroids, peptides, HGH, insulin, and vitamins at some point in his life and can relate.

In-Depth Review of Performance Lab Nootropic Supplement (2024)

Performance Lab Supplement

You know that moment when you look at your reflection on January 1st and think, “Alright, this is the year I turn it all around”? That was me at the start of 2024. I had grand visions of crushing workouts,…

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Black Wolf Pre-Workout Review [2024]


Many amateurs to professional bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other athletes are looking for a safe, effective pre-workout formula to help them get through their tough workouts. Many of these items, including before and post-exercise supplements, are loaded with stimulants or are…

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Testosterone Suspension: The Hardcore Steroid for Hard Gains

bodybuilder with lean muscle

Testosterone Suspension Testosterone Suspension, also known as Test Sus, is a hardcore steroid that can help you make hard gains fast. It’s an injectable testosterone product that comes in a water-based suspension. Because it doesn’t have any esters attached, the…

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ABulk Review: Proven This New Bulking Supplement Work, Lucky!

Abulk - Anadrol, aka oxymetholone

Ensure you know all the crucial facts about this bulking supplement since our ABulk review will help you. This supplement has been in my system for the past eight months, with pauses every two weeks. To do this, I wanted…

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